Technocracy Chronicle: Characters

This setting came out of a "what if?" impulse on our parts. Our characters from Moscow once caught a glimpse of an alternate timeline they existed in, and the players decided we wanted to know more. So...what if the characters from Moscow lived in a world where the Technocracy won the War?

  • ID # 362 (Gerald Davinport) is a cyborg. The Progenitors had him originally but found him uncontrollable, so they passed him on to their metallic colleagues in Iteration X while he was still a boy (the borders between Conventions blur in this world).
  • Dr. Leila Andula (Shade) is a Void Engineer. She's kind of wobbly on Conventional propriety, but she behaves for the most part. Dr. Andula is a geologist, who keeps pet pharoah hounds.
  • Alison Taj (Ankh) is another Void Engineer. More used to dealing with the outsides of reality, rather than the innards, she's from the border exploration corps. She's also in an unusually high position thanks to her father...
  • Michael Taj. Alison's father and a member of the New World Order, even though he's not a mage. He's a half Kuei-jin/half human Shih; a demon hunter from the Orient. Even though he's technically a reality deviant, Michael plays by the Technocracy's rules. His conduct is irreproachable, and he's so good at his job that they can't bear to toss him out. He's risen amazingly high in the ranks for a non-Enlightened.
  • Susan Dougal (Doc Holiday) is a New World Order agent. Good at her job, she has a no-nonsense attitude and a practical mind. She's also pretty friendly though, if you don't give her trouble.
  • Mona Morgan is (or was) a young Nephandus. Not much is known about her so far. Hopefully the little Demonspawn is dead at the hands of 362, Leila, Susan, and Alison.
  • Dr. Gina Baxter is also New World Order; a psychiatrist, to be exact. She works frequently with the amalgam. They find her disturbing, because she represents the heart of the NWO's power--the ability to manipulate peoples' minds.
  • Marion Versa is Syndicate, and very high ranking. She's encountered the amalgam a few times, but tends not to interact too much. She's pretty far above them.
  • Alex Gardner is also Syndicate. Oddly, he's also Faerie kin. Who wants to bet there's a clash of interests here?
  • Sabrina Mayfair is, yet again, Syndicate. She worked with the amalgam on one assignment, with her partner, who was actually a rogue agent. He's...well, not dead, but scientist food.
  • Philip is a reality deviant; Son of Ether, in fact. He's got some weird souped-up plane and stuff. The group ran into him once on assignment, but they didn't catch him, or even find out who he was. Yet.
  • Dr. Daniella Cortez is also a New World Order psychologist, but she rather screwed up and got taken away to be reconditioned. It's nice...really... Well, no, it's not, and they probably won't be seeing her again for a long long time.
  • Celeste is a new addition to their team. After one assignment went dangerously wrong, the powers that be (namely Michael Taj) decided that they should have a Progenitor attached to the group, so here she is.
  • Malcolm Price is a Virtual Adept. In this world, the Adepts never broke away from the Technocracy, so he's on their side. Gave them a big hand when they had to deal with Darkside Moon Base a while back.
  • Fr Marcus Dane, S.J. (aka Dane) is the same as he ever was. Also known as Saint Francis Xavier, he kinda...represents the Church...I guess. Actually, no one ever quite found out what he was doing at that meeting, other than dumping holy water on his vampiric sister. Speaking of whom...
  • Alyssa Dane is also the same. A 300-some year old Lasombra, she's always known what side to be on, and in this world that side is definitely the Technocracy. So she puts her formidable manipulative skills to good use in the Syndicate, even though she, like Michael, is technically a reality deviant. Hey, so long as they behave and stay away from the normal folks...